Brent Asbury
The Modulator

Brent started playing in punk and hardcore bands in the San Diego area when he was 12. Over time that led to stints touring the world in bands including Thingy, Pinback, and Aspects of Physics. In 2002 he started writing and producing music for advertisers, and since then has spent every single day in a studio honing his craft. He works across multiple disciplines in the field — including sound design, creative directing, managing productions, editing, mixing, and mastering.

He has collaborated on the records of artists such as The Locust, Retox, Dead Cross, Mean Jeans, Old Time Relijun, Hungry Ghost, and Michael Bolton. He currently releases music under the monikers PANICKER and Middle Majesty.

Brent is a cat guy who adores his family and has a nasty modular synth habit. When he’s not in the studio, or hangin’ at home you can find him on his bike in between those two places.